Irish Public Economics Workshop

IPEW24 Overview

The inaugural Irish Public Economics Workshop will be held in Trinity College Dublin's Museum Building on August 30/31. We are grateful to the Irish Research Council and the Foundation for Fiscal Studies for their support.

Friday, August 30

8:45 Welcome, Museum Building (TCD)

The Museum Building is at the heart of Trinity's campus, approximately 1 minute's walk away from the Book of Kells/Old Library. The entrance is on New Square, near the "red cube".

9:00-10:30 Session: Health/Disability

  • Peter Haan (DIW Berlin): Effects of Increasing Disability Benefits on Employment, Earnings, and Mortality
  • Laura Derksen (Oslo): Privacy at What Cost? Saving the Lives of HIV Patients With Electronic Medical Records
  • Sebastian Seitz (Manchester): Estimating the Moral Hazard Cost of Private DI and its Welfare Consequences

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-12:30 Session: Tax Shelters

  • Andrew Lonsdale (LSE): How should capital gains be taxed?
  • David Leite (PSE): The Firm as Tax Shelter: Micro Evidence and Aggregate Implications of Consumption Through the Firm
  • Giulia Aliprandi (PSE): Profit Shifting by French Firms

12:30-1:30 Lunch

1:30-2:30 Session: Mobility

  • Michael Stimmelmayr (Bath): Income Taxes and the Residential Mobility of the Rich: Evidence from US and UK Households in Switzerland
  • César Poux (LSE): Top Flight: How responsive are top earners to tax rates?

2:30-2:45 Comfort Break

2:45-3:45 Session: Compliance

  • Jakob Brounstein (IFS): The Value Added of Paid Tax Preparers
  • Gaia Narciso (Trinity): Auditors’ independence: does random selection work?

4:00-5:15 Policy Panel

Using administrative data to improve economic policy

In association with the Foundation for Fiscal Studies.

Chaired by Anne Vaughan, Chairperson of the National Statistics Board

Panelists: Jean Acheson (Revenue), Aedín Doris (Maynooth University), Rowena Dwyer (IGEES), Robert Kelly (Central Bank of Ireland), Paul Morrin (Central Statistics Office).

Venue: Uí Cadhain Lecture Theatre, TCD Arts Block

5:15 Drinks

7pm Dinner

Saturday, August 31

9:00-10:30 Session: Tax Administration

  • Elisa Cheng (Cornell): Beyond Tax Compliance: Welfare Implications of a Size-dependent Enforcement Policy
  • Georg Thunecke (Max Planck): Institutional Tax Salience: Evidence from Germany
  • Giacomo Brusco (Tübingen): VAT Incidence in Real VAT Systems

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-12:30 Keynote Lecture

Henrik Kleven (Princeton), Micro vs Macro Labor Supply Elasticities: The Role of Dynamic Returns to Effort

12:30-1:30 Lunch

1:30-3:00 Session: Parenting/Retirement

  • Andrea Ghisletta (Basel): The Missing Pocketbook Cost of Raising the Retirement Age: Evidence from Switzerland
  • Imran Tahir (IFS): The impact of education-first welfare reforms on parents: Evidence from Denmark
  • Ashley Wong (Tilburg): The Entrepreneurial Gender Gap: Role of Motherhood and Maternity Leave

‌3:00-3:30 Coffee Break

3:30-4:30 Session: Education

  • Nick Ridpath (IFS): The Medium Term Education Effects of Early Integrated Children's Services
  • Benjamin Hattemer (EUI): Recruiting better teachers? Evidence from a higher education reform in Chile

4:30 Concluding Remarks

We are very grateful to our funders, supporters, and host: