Irish Public Economics Workshop

IPEW25 Overview

The second Irish Public Economics Workshop will be held in the Central Bank of Ireland on September 1st and 2nd, 2025. We are grateful to the Research Ireland, the Central Bank of Ireland, and the UCD School of Economics for their support.

The Central Bank of Ireland

“New Horizons in Public Finance”

Call for Papers 

We invite submissions broadly related to theme above for the second Irish Public Economics Workshop, which will take place on September 1-2, 2025 in Dublin. The workshop will include:

  • The IPEW Keynote lecture by Prof. Dina Pomeranz (University of Zurich)
  • A panel discussion, How Research Can Shape and Support Public Policy: Best Practices for Academics, on researcher engagement with policymakers

Submission deadline: 
Monday, April 14, 2025 via the form at

Goal of IPEW

IPEW’s goal is to connect researchers working in public economics and public policy, and to strengthen cross-institutional work on public economics in Ireland by bringing together academia, public administration, institutional research, and the private sector

Conference Organisers

Enda Hargaden (UCD), Tara McIndoe-Calder (CBI), Barra Roantree (TCD), Nora Strecker (UCD)


We are very grateful to our funders, supporters, and host: