
Enda Hargaden

Enda is an Assistant Professor/Lecturer at the University College Dublin School of Economics. His research focuses on public finance, optimal taxation, and applied microeconomics. His work has appeared in the Journal of Public Economics, the Journal of Economic History, the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, among others.


Nora Strecker

Nora is an assistant professor at the University College Dublin, School of Economics since 2020, and an Ad Astra Fellow at University College Dublin since September 2022. Nora is the PhD Programme Director in the School of Economics. Her research interests focus on public finance, specifically personal income taxation, at the intersection of international trade, welfare economics, and political economy. She has published in top ranked journals, such as the American Economic Review, the Journal of International Economics, and International Tax and Public Finance.


Barra Roantree

Barra is an an Assistant Professor in Economics and Programme Director of the MSc in Economic Policy at Trinity College Dublin. His research focuses on the design of the tax and welfare system, and the evolution and distribution of living standards in Ireland.  He has previously worked at the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) in Dublin and the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) in London, and was a member of the Irish Government's 2021-22 Commission on Taxation and Welfare.


Regional Contacts

Eddie Casey (IFAC)

Eddie is Chief Economist and Head of Secretariat of the Irish Fiscal Advisory Council. His research has primarily focused on macroeconomic analysis/forecasting. Eddie holds a PhD in Macroeconomics from University College Dublin.


Matthew Collins (Galway)

Matthew is a Lecturer Above the Bar (Assistant Professor) in Economics at the University of Galway. His research interests principally lie in applied microeconomics. He holds a PhD in Economics from Lund University, and is affiliated with its Centre for Economic Demography


Aedín Doris (Maynooth)

Aedín is Associate Professor and Head of Department at Maynooth University. She has been at Maynooth's Economics Department since 1997, after undertaking her PhD at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy.


Rob Gillanders (DCU)

Rob is Professor of Economics at Dublin City University Business School and Co-Director of the DCU Anti-corruption Research Centre (DCU ARC). He holds a PhD in Economics from University College Dublin. 


Tara McIndoe-Calder (CBI)

Having worked with the Central Bank of Ireland since 2011, Tara now serves as Manager of its Irish Economic Analysis division. She holds a PhD in Economics from Trinity College Dublin, and an MPhil from the University of Oxford.


Dónal Palcic (UL)

Dónal is an Associate Professor in Economics at the University of Limerick, where he earned a PhD in 2008. His primary area of research is in public sector economics with a particular focus on infrastructure policy, public enterprises, privatisation and public-private partnerships.


Paul Redmond (ESRI)

Paul is a Senior Research Officer at the Economic and Social Research Institute. His research interests include labour economics, applied econometrics and political economy. Paul obtained his PhD in Economics from Maynooth University in 2014.